Local journalism in the U.S. remains at a crisis point: newsrooms that existed for decades have vanished or are at risk of disappearing. At the same time, there are urgent external crises that make the need for communities to receive information all the more critical – namely climate change.

The Rural Newswire exists in order to help provide resources to newsrooms that serve rural communities. For editors and publishers looking for editorial support, all of our stories are free to redistribute, republish, and share.

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45 Degrees North: Making Room In The Rural Housing Shortage

We need to make room for younger people to live, work, raise families and build lives in our rural communities.


Experts: Over-the-Counter Birth Control Pill May Benefit Millions of Rural Americans

Around 18 million women in rural America are of reproductive age. With hospital and pharmacy closures, the Opill may be one way they can access birth control, advocates and experts say.


Advocates Call for a Research-Based Approach to Closing Rural Prisons

Many rural communities hosting prisons are connected to them economically. Indiscriminate closures could come with grave consequences to people and businesses relying on their presence, researchers say.


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New Round of Federal Grants Will Inject Billions into Rural Renewable Energy Projects

The focus of this round of funding is on communities with fewer than 10,000 residents, reaching across the country from Maine to Alaska.


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Rural Employment Improves but Lags Recession-Era Jobs

Nonmetropolitan counties added jobs between 2022 and 2023. But unlike metropolitan counties, rural employment still hasn't fully recovered from the 2008 Great Recession.


Q&A: What Can Murals Do for Main Street?

Amanda Lewis is the founder and executive director of Trillium Project, a public arts nonprofit in Portsmouth, Ohio.

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