Climate Accountability
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Spy vs. spy: The Heartland Institute’s head-spinning hypocrisy
When someone posted private emails from climate scientists, the Heartland Institute gleefully piled on. But when the institute's own internal documents leaked, it cried foul.
How the Heartland Institute plans to wreck education
Leaked documents illuminate the Heartland Institute's denialist agenda, and who's footing the bill. The list of funders is interesting -- Kochs, Philip Morris, Microsoft -- but perhaps most sobering is their plan to undermine climate science in the classroom.
Secret Heartland Institute memos map a climate-denial campaign
Looks like someone has pulled a Climategate on denialist think tank the Heartland Institute. (Is “think tank” the correct term for an institution devoted to spreading misinformation? Maybe “lie tank” is better.) Turns out that — surprise surprise — they take donations from the Koch brothers, as well as tobacco companies and Microsoft. And then […]
Standing to reason: Do non-believers need temples, too?
Writer Alain de Botton wants to erect a 150-foot monument to atheism. With the religious right co-opting our secular spaces, why not create a little sacred space for the profane?
WSJ will publish literally anything, as long as it disputes global warming
Ready for a little peek behind the editorial decision-making curtain at the Wall Street Journal? On Friday, the paper published an op-ed disputing anthropogenic global warming, on the strength of its being signed by 16 scientists. Sixteen, wow, that’s a lot! Except that in May 2010, 255 members of the National Academy of Science wrote […]
Study explains why it’s useless to argue with climate deniers
Apparently the logic is something like "It's not about whether my theory is right but what they are telling us is definitely wrong."
MIT climate scientist receives frenzy of hate mail
Climate scientist Kerry Emanuel received a flood of threatening emails after a video circulated of him speaking at a climate change conference.
Top five craziest things GOP contenders said on climate in 2011
With Michele Bachmann, it’s the cumulative craziness that blows one away.Photo: IowaPolitics.comCross-posted from Climate Progress. Sure, the extremist wing of the GOP has been saying crazy things about climate for a while. But the anti-science wing is now in charge (Speaker of the House John Boehner: “The idea that carbon dioxide is a carcinogen that […]
The year in crazy: Rush Limbaugh
Oh Rush, you never fail to make us lolsob. And for this reason you are Media Matters' Totally Full of Shit Guy of the Year, which is not what they call it but I think we all know what they mean. The Media Matters team has concocted a delightful romp through Limbaugh's 2011 crazy (which […]
Police seize computers in connection with Climategate hacking
When the University of East Anglia's servers were hacked and emails stolen, the victims — the climate scientists whose largely innocuous messages got misrepresented all over the blogosphere — were subjected to multiple independent investigations (and cleared). The hackers? Not so much. Nobody really knew who did it or apparently cared. But evidently they're cracking […]