A nice little Reuters story emphasizes the implicit point of my two political posts this morning, as well as my Tom Paine twoparter: this is going to be a huge year for climate change.


  1. Tons of action in Congress.
  2. Scientists have moved the Doomsday Clock forward on the basis of climate change.
  3. The upcoming Davos World Economic Forum is expected to be dominated by climate change. (Huffington Post will have detailed ongoing coverage.)
  4. The IPCC will release its latest report this year, in four parts: one on what we know about climate change (Feb.), one on adaptation (April), one on mitigation (May), and a final overview (November).
  5. The G8 will meet in June, and Tony Blair, who’s watched his legacy go down the shitter, is desperate to get some concrete agreements on climate change.
  6. Kyoto signatories will meet in early Dec. to try to hash out what happens after 2012, and how to get developing countries on board.

Drip, drip, drip …