Tip # 6: If you find yourself holding a plastic water bottle, recycle it. Lots of plastic — bottle-form or not — is recyclable these days.

It’s OK, really. It happens to best of us. You’re at the airport and you just have to have water for that long flight. Go ahead, buy that over-priced bottle and don’t feel guilty about it. Sure, we would prefer that you brought along an empty, non-toss-away container and filled it up with tap water after passing through security. But we’re not zealots here at Grist.

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But when you get to your destination, don’t toss your empty. Most airports, cities etc. now have recycle bins alongside trash containers. Better yet, keep reusing the bottle until you get home!

There’s more to recycling plastic, so here are some detailed tips to help you make every day Earth Day recycle day:

Screw Earth Day: Don’t forget Tip #s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.