Here at Grist we’re fans of (at least) two things:

  1. Climate action
  2. A snappy call to get people’s bums off the couch to make that happen

Lucky for us, our buddies at 1Sky are working to bring about these two things with their 1Climate, 1Tweet contest.

Help Grist raise $25,000 by September 30 to further advance our climate reporting

1Climate, 1TweetIt’s a campaign to purge Twitter of annoying climate deniers flood Twitter with a single rallying message to strengthen and support the Kerry-Boxer climate bill currently wending its way through the Senate. All you have to do is:

  1. Sign up for the 1Sky contest here
  2. Craft and tweet a superlative, retweetable call for strong climate legislation (look to our Climate Citizens page for inspiration and clarification)
  3. Tag your tweet with #1climate
  4. Convince as many Twitterers as possible to retweet your message

We know it’s prize enough for you just to lend your support and creative juices to ensure the U.S. completes item No. 1 on my (first) list above, but if — hypothetically — you needed any more reasons to join the 1Climate, 1Tweet campaign, here they are, in yet another list:

  1. Five winners will be picked (two at random!), upping your chances of being one of them
  2. Prizes for the above winners include goodies from The Age of Stupid, No Impact Man, and more
  3. You will secure Twitter fame

The contest ends Friday, October 23, at 6 p.m. EST, so hurry up and tweet the climate movement’s next rallying cry!