350 scuba divers at Great Barrier ReefWill getting to 350 ppm be the great barrier to saving the Great Barrier Reef? Poppy and Jarrah via 350.org Flickr Creative CommonsIn parts of the world, today is already the first-ever International Day of Climate Action in places like New Zealand, but it’s not too late for millions of you to find the biggest, weirdest, adorablest, most inspirational, or flat-out nearest demonstration of support for the goal 350 ppm CO2 emissions.

We found a few such events worth noting — some which have already happened and others which you can still join:

If you haven’t found one that suits you and your grassroots style, check out this map of 350.org climate action events and take your pick. And after you get home, don’t forget to drop us a line, a video, or a photo from the events via email, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Keep your eye on our page rounding up all the latest goings-on around the International Day of Climate Action.