Daniel Akaka

Sen. Daniel Akaka is considered a likely “yes” vote on climate legislation, but in this letter sent to a constituent in late November 2009, he doesn’t reveal much of anything about his views on climate change or what should be done about it.

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Dear [Constituent]:

Thank you for your comments on climate change and energy legislation. Related legislation includes S. 1733, the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act, S. 1462, the American Clean Energy Leadership Act of 2009, and H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009. Input from a full range of stakeholders is being taken into consideration as Congress crafts energy and environmental policy.

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The debate includes an examination of market mechanisms to encourage the reduction of carbon pollutants and forestry, agricultural, and geologic techniques to store carbon. Also under consideration is the role of renewable energy, alternative fuels, nuclear energy, and fossil fuels as components of our nation’s future energy mix. Other critical issues being considered are energy efficiency and conservation standards, energy storing technologies, electrical transmission grids, public transportation, smart growth techniques, air pollution reduction, and marine and wildlife ecosystem protection.

While crafting a 21st century energy policy will not be easy, it is my belief that developing a clean, safe energy economy is a step forward in protecting our national security, long-term economic prosperity, and global environment. Policies that build upon clean energy will spur business and job opportunities, reassert American economic leadership and competitiveness, put our nation back in control of our energy future, and protect our children from harmful pollutants.

The views of my constituents are important to me. I will keep your thoughts in mind as the 111th Congress continues consideration of energy and climate change legislation. Again, mahalo for contacting me.

Aloha pumehana,

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U.S. Senator

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