Dearest readers,

farmerGreat discussion yesterday in the comments section and on Grist’s Facebook page about meat-eating environmentalists and gross corporate greenwashing campaigns (apparently, kids who are hopped up on sugary cereals in the morning do better in school than kids who have no breakfast at all!).

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Here’s another batch of questions inspired by Anna Lappé’s Diet for a Hot Planet. Share your insights in the comments below.

  • Lappé shares seven principles of a climate-friendly diet: 
  • – Reach for real food
    – Put plants on your plate
    – Don’t panic, go organic
    – Lean toward local
    – Finish your peas … the ice caps are melting (read: pay attention to food waste)
    – Send packaging packing
    – DIY food

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    Which ones are you already doing? Which do you plan to start? For someone who feels daunted by the list, which would you tell them is the most important or easiest to do?

  • During my recent interview with Lappé, I asked what she thought was more important—local or organic—when it comes to food choices. She had this to say: “There’s a multitude of different reasons why local is important, and they add to the story of organic. They aren’t in competition with the story of organic.” Which is more important to you: local or organic? Or do other factors like price play more of a role in your shopping selections?
