Handsacrossthesand.comSaturday could bring the biggest public demonstration yet about the Gulf oil gusher, when Hands Across the Sand gathers people on beaches around the world at noon to hold hands in support of coastal economies, oceans, marine wildlife, and fishing industries.
Organized by surfer and Florida restaurant owner Dave Rauschkolb, the dispersed event looks to be aiming for a surfer zen vibe, as opposed to the angry demonstrations against BP that have arisen in New Orleans and elsewhere. (The precedent, fellow young folks, is the 1986 Hands Across America chain.)
More info:
- How to find a gathering near you
- … even if you don’t live near a beach
- How to spread videos and photos from the gatherings
Personally, I’ll be holding hands across some bar showing the U.S. World Cup game at noon tomorrow, but leave a comment below if you want to report from a beach.
Here’s a video from a previous, smaller Hands Across the Sand event in St. Petersburg, Fla.: