Oil rigsThe White House says the deepwater drilling moratorium will have little impact on unemployment.Photo courtesy BP America via FlickrA report released by the Obama administration on Thursday said that the Gulf of Mexico drilling moratorium has had little impact on unemployment, despite concerns that the ban would cripple the Gulf economy. An Interior Department estimate put the number of jobs lost at 23,000. The White House now says that number is between 8,000 and 12,000, and that many of the unemployed will return to work.

Louisiana senators think the report is a bunch of crap, AP reports:

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[Sen. Mary] Landrieu and fellow Louisiana Sen. David Vitter repeatedly challenged the report’s accuracy and noted that it did not address what they called a de facto moratorium on shallow-water drilling. Fewer than a dozen shallow-water drilling permits have been issued in recent months, compared with an average of 40 a month before the BP spill, they said.

The Wall Street Journal points out that in Louisiana parishes that support the most deepwater drilling, the number of jobs actually rose two months after the ban. And unemployment-insurance claims in three parishes dropped from April through August.

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Most oil employers haven’t laid off highly skilled workers despite the ban and have used the moratorium to do maintenance and repairs on some of their rigs.

How about adding a few solar panels?

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