nuclear power plantExpect to see more of this if Harry Reid loses his Senate seat.If Harry Reid loses his Senate race, it could be a big shot in the arm for the nuclear industry. Not only would that likely revive the project to store nuclear waste inside Nevada’s Yucca Mountain — which Reid has blocked for years — but it would give momentum to efforts by Republican leaders like John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Lamar Alexander to make nuclear a centerpiece of any renewable energy plan. [Politico]

Crazy talk: And if you had any doubt about how Reid’s Republican opponent, and Tea Party maven Sharron Angle, feels about clean energy, consider that in the middle of her campaign video she dismisses renewable energy jobs with one word: SCAM. [Las Vegas Sun]

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And in other green news:

Just don’t say it out loud: If California voters defeat Proposition 23, its greenhouse-gas law would go into effect with its own form of cap-and-trade. [The New York Times]

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Quick and dirty: There likely will be a ripple effect across the country if California voters pass Prop 23. A Washington Post editorial lays out the scenario. [Washington Post]

Coal hard cash: Big Coal has spent heavily this campaign throwing money at members of congress who they think will have no problem cutting the EPA off at the knees. Case in point: House Minority Leader John Boehner’s political action committee has received more than $300,000 from mining interests, most of them coal companies. [The New York Times]

People in the no: The Los Angeles Times has more on the Republican leadership’s plans to cripple the EPA. Texas Gov. Rick Perry says his state won’t go along with the EPA in enforcing its greenhouse-gas regulations next year. [AP]

Breeze warning: The wind energy business in the U.S. has dropped to its lowest level since 2007. [The Hill]

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Taking charge: A British company insists the next generation of electric cars could be charged wirelessly, and even could be powered up by driving over electrified roads. [Guardian]

People’s Republic of Electric: The Chinese government says its country’s automakers will make hybrids and electric cars their top priority over the next five years. [People’s Daily Online]

Put on the brakes: If you have to travel and you want to make as little impact as possible on the climate, a new study says your best bet is to go by train, bus, or even ship. Airplanes are the next best option. Cars are worst of all. [Discovery News]