Parlee Cycles and tech company Deeplocal are working together on a bike inspired by the Toyota Prius. It's a reasonably slick-looking machine, but the really weird and bizarre part is the "neuron shifting." The bike uses a gaming neuroheadset, which detects the brain's electrical activity like an EEG, to let riders shift between gears using only their minds.

Of course, this makes the bike about a million times more complicated than a regular bike. For one thing, shifting gears suddenly requires electricity. For another, you sort of have to relearn how to ride a bike, and we are all repeatedly told that we'll never have to do that. So as an actual bike feature, this is maybe stupid (although we can think of some pretty good arguments for a fully-developed psychic bike — imagine if it could translate "whoa shit" into braking action). As blatant "here we are, living in the future" symbolism, though, it can't be beat.