The Huffington Post has posted one of those giant infographics on the subject of Keystone I, the last TransCanada pipeline in the U.S. and progenitor to the proposed Keystone XL tar-sands pipeline. It's crazy big, beacuse apparently infographics these days are more like abridged children's books, but here's the take-home message: Keystone I had more spills in its first year than any other first-year pipeline in U.S. history. It was predicted to leak once every seven years, but instead it leaked 12 times in the first 12 months. But, you know, Keystone XL will probably be fiiiiiiiine.

You can click the excerpt above to see the full infographic, which was made by Emma Pullman of DeSmogBlog and Heather Libby of TckTckTck.