Photo by Nathan Rupert

If you're going to want pumpkins for this season's jack-o-lanterns, pies, horseman head substitutes, or transportation to the ball, better start stocking up now. This year's weird weather has meant a smaller pumpkin crop, and existing pumpkins are selling for much more than usual. Thanks, climate change, you buzzkill.

Thanks to an unusually rainy summer, including extensive flooding from Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee, pumpkin crops ended up blighted by fungus. Even though prices have gone up due to low supply, pumpkin farmers may already be on the verge of selling out. And it's over a month until Halloween! We're going to have to switch over to gourds or turnips or just holding a candle in front of our faces and grinning creepily at children. And what will Jorge Garcia do?