Americans for Prosperity has a lot of very concrete ideas about what happened with the Solyndra loan and the company's collapse. None of those ideas are backed by evidence, since the investigation isn't complete, but let's pass lightly over that. The real hilarity here comes from the fact that Americans for Prosperity — a group backed by uber-1-percenters the Koch brothers, whose entire existence is predicated on having legislators in their pocket — is using the ad to lob accusations of buying "political favors."

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Seriously, since when did the Kochs, of all people, have a problem with buying political favors? It's their whole THING, man! Maybe they're just worried because they think someone else is biting their style? Well, don't fret, guys — it might yet turn out that there was no wrongdoing at all. 

Or maybe the key is in the ad's kicker — "you shouldn't use taxpayer dollars for political favors." That must be it — AFP and the Kochs think you should only use your own money for political favors! Then, once the political favors are done, the taxpayer dollars will turn into your money eventually.