James Cameron’s eco-pic has become the top grossing film of all time (see “Post-Apocalypse Now“). And that did not endear him to the anti-science crowd. Glenn “brainless frog” Beck said Cameron “is officially running for Antichrist.” Cameron has now responded, as Brad Johnson reports in this repost:
Avatar director James Cameron thinks global-warming deniers are “boneheads” who are “going to have to be answerable” for their denialism. With a global box office of $2.7 billion, Avatar is the highest grossing film of all time. Conservatives unnerved by the environmental themes of this sci-fi action-and-romance popcorn flick are complaining that it’s a “sanctimonious thud of a movie,” a “three-hour lecture on war, imperialism, and green awareness,” “every militant global warming supporter’s dream come true,” and “socialism-disguised-as-nonsense enviro stuff.” Cameron fought back in a press conference, offering to debate Glenn Beck (who he calls “a f—ing asshole”) and other “boneheads”:“I want to call those deniers out into the street at high noon and shoot it out with those boneheads. Anybody that is a global-warming denier at this point in time has got their head so deeply up their ass I’m not sure they could hear me.”
Glenn Beck had previously bashed Avatar as “an anti‑U.S. human thing.” Cameron said, “But you know they’ve got to live in this world too. And their children do as well, so they’re going to have to be answerable to this at some point.” He explained that he will make the environment the theme of his home video release plan. “Look, at this point I’m less interested in making money for the movie and more interested in saving the world that my children are going to inhabit. How about that?”
And yes, Cameron does get global warming, having said recently, “We need to mobilize like we did during World War II” to fight global warming. The threat to our country and children is “that severe.”
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