By the time you read this, I’ll be at a comfortable cruising altitude — and spewing CO2 into the atmosphere at an alarming rate. (Calm down … I’ve offset the flight. Thanks, Native Energy!) I’m on my way to the Bonnaroo music festival in Manchester, Tenn., and not for the reasons you think. The four-day, multi-stage festival is cleaning up its act — like a number of music festivals this year — and making a real effort to be as green as possible … no, not that kind of green …

Anyway, I’ll be rockin’ the scene all weekend: interviewing eco-minded bands, snooping through recycling bins, hitting on hottie musician-types, checking out the solar-powered stage, and in general being way cooler than you.

Help Grist raise $25,000 by September 30 to further advance our climate reporting

Oh, and did I mention I’ll be camping there? Which is quite funny actually … seeing as how I’ve never camped. Like, ever. But I’m sure it’s not that big of a deal, right? I mean, you just stick the little tent-pole thingies into the tent-loop thingies and voilá: you’re camping! I mean, right?

Thankfully (or perhaps not), assuming I can get wifi/cell service — and barring any tent-pole related mishaps — you’ll be able to live vicariously through me as I update the blog throughout the festival. Stay tuned!