• the U.S. Geological Survey announced that the polar bear population could plummet to one-third of its current level by mid-century because Arctic ice is receding faster than predicted …

• a new 350-foot super-ferry designed to go 40 mph between Hawaiian islands concerned scientists, who thought it would collide with whales and dolphins despite new cetacean-avoiding technology …

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• new DNA studies suggested that the historic population levels of Pacific gray whales far exceeded the 22,000 estimated, with researchers putting the number closer to 100,000 …

• a six-week survey of the Yangtze River failed to turn up a single baiji, one of few dolphins species to adapt to a freshwater habitat. A survey in the 1990s turned up 13 of the dolphins …

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• an Alaskan man taped himself provoking a monk seal and her pup while vacationing in Hawaii. After he posted the video to MySpace, the man found himself under federal investigation and could receive a $25,000 fine …

• a lake in Alaska boiled violently with methane

• fishermen in Maine reported seeing more herring after a trawler ban went into effect …

• Arctic ice cover was at an all-time record low, an “exclamation point,” said one scientist …

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• elevated levels of PCBs in the blubber of whales and seals led Inuit women to give birth to twice as many girls as boys …

• five men were arrested for smuggling endangered animal hides across the U.S.-Mexico border. Investigators say the men smuggled about 700 tanned sea turtle, caiman, and python hides …

• the governor of a Chinese province agreed to remove whale shark from menus at the behest of the Australian government …

• model Naomi Campbell and her ex-boyfriend planned to open a five-star hotel on an Indian beach, despite its status as a nesting sea turtle sanctuary. “The lights would confuse the turtles and send them heading off in the wrong direction,” said a conservationist …

• members of the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation forum agreed to a non-binding initiative that the world needed to “slow, stop, then reverse” global warming …

• India sought to become “a world leader” in offshore caged fishing in the next ten years …

• and Japanese researchers succeeded in getting salmon to give birth to baby trout in a lab. The ultimate goal is get mackerel to birth baby bluefin tuna, a favorite for sushi.