The other day at the gym I was engaging in classic attention-deficient media trawling — attempting to read my magazine, watch the morning newscast, and work up a sweat all at the same time.
So it didn’t bother me too much when the TV kept shutting off. The equipment at these high-traffic fitness clubs is renowned for breaking down, so I chalked it up to an electrical glitch. Today I learned that in late July, the New York Sports Clubs reprogrammed their televisions to automatically turn off when not in use (this doesn’t account, I guess, for those who want to watch without listening, but you can always plug in your headphones without putting them on).
When one person makes an effort to conserve energy, it’s a good thing; when a facility with as much daily energy consumption as the NYSC network tries to conserve, it’s great. Hat tip to the sports clubs for a simple and effective step in the right direction.