Admittedly, I don’t know much about the World Economic Forum, other than that these annual meetings are usually protested by the likes of causes I tend to support. (A cabal of the powerful the wealthy gathering to cement their status is one image that comes to mind … but this may be an unfair judgment given the number of exemplary altruists on the guest list.) Nonetheless, it caught my attention when the business reports said climate change would be the focus of this year’s summit.

Among the highlights:

  1. A session on whether hurricanes and other disasters can be linked to carbon dioxide emissions.
  2. Sir Nicholas Stern discussing the “Security Implications of Climate Change.”
  3. A “Climate Change Nightcap” hosted by the Forum’s Young Global Leaders group.

Finally, it seems, the business world is waking up to the fact that a healthy planet is a profitable one. Which for poor King George, means the heat is on.