Grist styles itself as communicating “gloom and doom with a sense of humor.” In that spirit, I can’t resist posting something that made me laugh this morning.

While scanning my daily Google alerts, I noticed a link to a blog by one Gideon Gladwell of Athens, Ga., headlined “Corn Based Ethanol: Yes Please.” “Huh?” I asked myself. This I have to read.

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OK, so the humor is sophomoric. But it shows that even ethanol has its (potentially) funny side. This is why Mr. Gladwell is, well, glad for the rising share of ethanol in the nation’s fuel mix:

Detroit automobile manufacturers are already making cars — millions of them — that will run on Ethanol-heavy fuel (85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline) due to political nods to and subsidies for alternative fuel methods … The good news (and why I’m praying that corn-based ethanol goes full steam ahead)? As I see it, we will, almost definitely, start calling gas tanks “cornholes.” And that’s a world I want to live in. So yes, please, to corn-based ethanol. [my emphasis]

Give that man a job!