Tom Philpott(Bart Nagel Photography)Grist senior food and agriculture writer Tom Philpott — who’s been vacationing in Mexico since Christmas — will make a brief appearance on this morning’s broadcast of Good Food with Evan Kleiman. Tune into KCRW at 11 a.m. Pacific (live stream here) to hear Tom talk (at 11:06 a.m.) about what’s happening with tomato harvesters in Immokalee, Fla., a subject he and other Grist contributors have been following for a while. If you miss it, the show will be archived for later sampling.

Good Food is a rich blend of gastronomical coverage and food politics broadcast by L.A.’s premier radio station, KCRW. Also on this week’s show: Jonathan Gold reviews The Border Grill,  Gustavo Arellano hits a donut shop in Anaheim, kitchen scientist Harold McGee answers listeners’ questions, and you’ll find out why you shouldn’t put grease and oil down the drain. (Of course if you watched this funny video, you already know why.)