I’m seeing more and more stories like this Bloomberg piece, about the growing consensus around global warming — and by "growing consensus," I mean "Republicans finally getting on board." (Of course, as always, our very own Amanda was ahead of the curve on this story.)

My favorite part is the increasingly nervous, defensive quotes from dead-enders. Here’s White House Council on Environmental Quality Chairman James Connaughton:

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Connaughton says activists merely are annoyed that Bush isn’t talking nonstop about climate change. "We don’t need to say it three times in the same 15-minute speech," he said in an interview.

Yeah. That’s why they’re annoyed.

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And this:

"To those out there saying a federal carbon cap is inevitable, we beg to differ," says Bill Holbrook, a spokesman for [Sen. James] Inhofe, who chairs the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.

I guess they’re going to go down swinging. History will not be kind.