Back in January, I mentioned that HGTV was giving away a green home in Hilton Head, S.C. Well, that 2,000-square-foot home done been given away (along with a hybrid GMC Yukon).

The winner is a grandmother and medical billing clerk now living in Florida. Marsha Coulthard hasn’t decided whether to live in or sell the $850,000 house — which boasts solar panels, rainwater collection, energy-efficient appliances, and more — but says she’s leaning toward the former: “I don’t know, it’s exciting and you want to live there,” she said. “If you’ve ever viewed it online, it’s absolutely breathtaking. It’s eco-friendly, and that’s a big thing nowadays.”

A big thing indeed: inspired by the popularity of the contest, which received 21 million entries, HGTV will sponsor another green home giveaway next year.