Have you ever been shopping and wanted to know how environmentally friendly a particular item actually is? Me too, and I have been meaning to propose that someone create the very database that GreenScanner has now developed.

Just go to the website, plug-in the UPC code, and (hopefully) you’ll get a summary.

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I tried my yummy chocolate brownie Z-Bar, which is made by Clif Bar Inc. I’m pleased to see that, thus far, it has a positive score.

I also tried some Clorox Disinfecting Wipes that someone on the building cleaning staff must have left behind. No reviews yet, so you could be the first!

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What’s great is the website is designed for network-enabled mobile devices, so you can use your mobile phone, PDA, etc.

Give it a whirl and let us know what you think.

Now I wonder if the CueCat can make a comeback for this???

(Via WC)

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