We’ve gotten tons of emails from people who are all like “Why didn’t my fav band make your ‘15 Green Musicians and Bands‘ list, yo?” Most of them are just sorta self-righteous and annoying. But today we got one from the good folks over on Spinner.com that pointed to their own list on the subject, which had some overlap with ours, as well as a few cool additions. Their No. 1 gets extra cool points: The Ditty Bops. As they describe them:

To promote their 2006 album ‘Moon Over the Freeway,’ the female folk duo went beyond using eco-friendly biodiesel by giving up fuel altogether and touring the U.S. on bicycles. In support of clean air, the Ditty Bops biked 4,700 miles, playing shows along the way. The journey did not come without its hardships, however, including what the band described as “diaper-rash sore ass.”

Yikes. Well, we’re glad they’re willing to go the extra mile, sore ass or no sore ass, to be green. Their music is pretty sweet, too.