Interesting post about TV characters who will likely feel the gas price pinch (including Dwight Shrute of The Office and the taxi driver on How I Met Your Mother).

And to counter that, a list from Whitney at Pop Candy of TV characters who don’t have to worry about problems at the pump:

1. Hiro Nakamura, Heroes — Not only is teleportation the wave of the future, it’s absolutely free!
2. Liz Lemon — She’s smart, she’s sexy, and she digs public transportation.
3. The Battlestar Galactica crew — You’d think air travel would cost a fortune, but they jump like it’s going out of style.
4. Doctor Who — The day the TARDIS runs on gasoline will be the day the poor Doctor is forced into retirement.
5. The Lost castaways — Sure, they have problems on the island. But think of how much money they’re saving …