Apparently being in the antipodes doesn’t change how people see wind farms:

The "not in my backyard" view rules in a district where many residents don’t mind wind farms just not any where near them, writes Bruce Holloway.

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In that respect, the experts advise that wind farm development in New Zealand is unfolding in a remarkably similar pattern to that of other countries.

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There is a relatively slow start to development, followed by a period of intense activity where numerous wind farms are established on supposedly prime sites.

The public response follows a pattern of general acceptance of a wind farm being developed in an area, and even tolerance of a second one nearby.

"But when subsequent wind farms are proposed in the same geographic area, public support is often replaced by strident opposition," Wellington landscape architect Boyden Evans told the Ngaruawahia hearing.

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Evans said it was "almost impossible" to substantially shift people’s perceptions of wind farms, particularly with regard to proposals in their locality.

"In my experience of New Zealand wind farms and familiarity with overseas projects, someone who dislikes turbines or is opposed to wind farms, is highly unlikely to change their opinion in response to the assessment information provided by landscape and other professionals," he said.