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Re: Zed

Dear Editor:

Grist thanks its sponsors. Become one.

Have you thought about putting your cartoon, Zed, in schools? I think that would be a wonderful idea. After all, I am a 7th (soon to be 8th) grader and I know what children of my own age like. Some kids would really enjoy it.

I have seen my fair share of non-environmentalists in my community, my brothers being some of them. Trust me, being a little environmentalist myself, I understand what it’s like to be outspoken, ignored, and taunted. My ex-ex-boyfriend hates the environment.

Do it for all those little environmentalists out there like me. I think it would help a lot, not only with the teasing and hatred, but also the future of Mother Earth.

Jill Hecht

Grist thanks its sponsors. Become one.

St. Louis, Mo.


Re: Growth Me Out to the Max

Dear Editor:

I strongly disagree with Donella Meadow’s conclusion that humans can have their cake and eat it, too. We must drastically lower both human population and consumption if we are not to be the cause of an environmental catastrophe akin to what happened to the dinosaurs. Healthy ecosystems on earth need large areas of wilderness, which is impossible with anywhere near the current level of population. We need a very strong, global, one-child-per-family policy, and we need it now!

Jeff Hoffman

San Francisco, Calif.


Dear Editor:

I read the letter about boycotting Starbucks with interest. While I agree that Starbucks’s use of toxic and genetically twisted ingredients is incompatible with good health, those same concerns apply to her preferred alternative — Unilever corporation’s Ben & Jerry’s brand.

Ben & Jerry’s is part of a $40 billion transnational conglomerate based in the Netherlands (not Vermont). There is nothing ecological about this company, even if they do have nice artwork on their (nonrecyclable) packages. Personally, I purchase Soy Delicious — which is local (I live 20 miles from the factory), organic (Ben & Jerry’s is not), and vegan.

Mark Robinowitz

Eugene, Ore.


Re: Barton Finks

Dear Editor:

Thanks for Dan Oko’s fine article on the salamanders of Austin. Let no one lay a finger on Barton Springs!

At the springs, I got my first opportunity to admire “boyfriend material” practically naked (1964, remember Speedos?); I met my husband-to-be when he pulled one of my gal friends out of the creek (1969); and the last time I was there, I dunked both my offspring at the shallow beachy end of the pool (1975)!

Anne Ralin

Decatur, Il.


Re: Barton Finks

Dear Editor:

The Barton Springs salamander may furnish a case in point for critics of the environmental movement. Who’s to say which of the many endangered species are important to earth’s future? Some are easy to pick — salmon, for instance, can provide food for many. There are no doubt others. But where should the line be drawn?

I live in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains, where some say the soul of John Muir can be heard at night spinning in his grave at the unintended direction some of his efforts have taken.

Forrest Barriger

Coulterville, Calif.


Re: U Sexy Mother Nature

Dear Editor:

This story rocked!

Sonia Nordenson

Ojai, Calif.


Dear Editor:

I’m writing to tell you how much I enjoy reading Gristi It’s funny, entertaining, and informative. I especially like the “My Week” feature. It’s a great way for me to get a sense of what it’s like to work in nonprofits, which is where I’d like to work in the future.

Angela Mo

Los Angeles, Calif.


Re: Hitting the Bottle

Dear Editor:

Your article mentions the plastic required to bottle water, but what about the petroleum needed to truck the stuff all over the place? There’s nothing quite like arriving at my office on my bike, after dodging the shopping mall traffic, to find the water delivery truck idling smelly diesel fumes while the driver is slinging bottles for the water coolers in the building.

Something’s wrong with our measuring sticks. Bottled water is a net loser for society. Any economics that doesn’t evaluate it that way is a false economics.

Bill Fellinger

Williston, Vt.


Dear Editor:

I’m not sure what “in traffic” means, but if the average American is stuck in it 36 hours a year, that comes to about six minutes a day. I spend a heck of a lot more than six minutes a day “in traffic,” and I live in the town that has only 80,000 people.

Michael Nunley

Norman, Okla.


Re: Daily Grist

Dear Editor:

You people make me sick. Your cause is a pathetic lie. Industry is what makes this country great, not a bunch of sandal-wearing ne’er-do-wells.

Phillip Key

Birmingham, Ala.


Re: Anti-Environmentalism As a Way of Life

Dear Editor:

Jon Margolis hit the “Dubya on the head” with his article on anti-environmentalism as a way of life. Since Bush took office in January, our nation’s (and indeed our planet’s) environment has become a scapegoat in the partisan battle in Washington, D.C.

It is up to every citizen that has made environmentalism a way of life to systematically and persistently vocalize their opposition to the never-ending parade of atrocious propositions coming out of the Bush administration. Write, call, and email your representatives in Congress until Dubya gets the message — the environment will not be a bargaining chip in this partisan poker game!

Tracy Garland

Salem, Va.


Re: The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

Dear Editor:

Just wanted to let you know how interesting I found the article “The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread.” I have recently been to a public talk on cancer prevention where the speaker quoted statistics on the rates of cancer in the current population — among the lowest were Seventh Day Adventists. The speaker said this was because of the bread they ate, which contained whole seeds, apparently prepared to a recipe given in the Bible.

Now I live in Scotland, and, unfortunately, we don’t have anything like Borealis Bread here.

Catriona Hannan

Dundee, Scotland