I was at the pub the other day watching Man U with my husband (whom I realize I talk about entirely too much — but, in my defense, not as much as caniscandida talks about Little White Dog. But she does sound delightful.). Anyway … Andrew was lamenting his mediocre showing in his fantasy soccer league, which he blames on his integrity for avoiding the hated Arsenal and Chelsea players altogether.

I suggested that his integrity would be more intact if he only employed players who were environmentally conscious. He deftly sidestepped the issue by suggesting that I write a blog post about said environmentally conscious English Premier League players.

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Not a bad idea, in and of itself, but I’ve run into a minor problem: My internet search has turned up nary an eco-friendly Premier League player. If I’ve missed someone, do feel free to point out my error.

While I’m waiting for all you hooligans to chime in with how Becks makes Posh buy organic bustiers, or how Brian McBride constantly sends letters across the Pond to urge his homeland to support Kyoto, check this out.

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The surely-scrappy-but-not-so-well-known Dartford Football Club will begin playing in their new Princes Park stadium this fall. The stadium is “one of the most environmentally-friendly sports arenas ever built,” located within walking distance of the town center, with its own public transportation stop, a green living roof, solar panels, and two nearby lakes to store rainwater for keeping it green.

What I might like most of all about Princes Park is that its website isn’t yelling from the rooftops that it’s a green facility. It makes me feel like we’re inching closer to a time when green building is simply the norm.