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  • News Flash: Climate Change Changes Climate

    Climate change seems to be affecting the frequency of some established weather patterns, according to a new study published in the April 29 issue of the journal Nature. Researchers studying northern winters have found that a weather pattern favoring milder winters was two to three times more likely to arise in the mid-1990s than around […]

  • Mike Matz, Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance

    Mike Matz is executive director of the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, which is pushing to preserve 9.1 million acres of Utah canyon country as federally protected wilderness. Monday, 3 May 1999 SALT LAKE CITY This week should be interesting. Our grassroots activists strut their stuff in support of wilderness at public meetings hosted by the […]

  • Occidental Deaths?

    The 5,000 members of the U’wa Indian tribe in Columbia have threatened to jump off a cliff to their deaths if Occidental Petroleum Corp. drills for oil in their ancestral territory. During the past week, tribal leaders and hundreds of activists have demonstrated outside Occidental’s Los Angeles headquarters and its annual shareholders meeting in Santa […]

  • Delhi Order: Hold the Smog

    India’s Supreme Court last week issued a landmark ruling requiring the government to crack down on auto pollution in New Delhi. New cars sold in the New Delhi area will have to meet European emission standards, and a strict limit on car sales will be put in place. Government officials say that more than half […]

  • Peking into a Cleaner Future

    China will let as many as 14 large state-owned coal mines go bankrupt this year and 400,000 miners lose their jobs as part of a plan to reduce financial losses at coal mines and curb pollution caused by coal. China also has plans to shut down 25,800 small coal mines and reduce overall coal output […]

  • News Flash: Oil Industry Whines Again

    Pres. Clinton proposed tough federal rules on Saturday to control pollution from cars and sport utility vehicles, ending an exemption that has allowed SUVs and light trucks to emit several times more smog-causing gases per mile than cars. The decision will force oil companies to slash sulfur content in fuel and automakers to design cleaner […]

  • Scheming Sleuths Steal Seed Sample

    Private investigators employed by Monsanto trespassed on a Canadian farmer’s property to take samples of his crops in hopes of gathering evidence for a lawsuit against him, according to court documents and interviews with involved parties. Monsanto accuses the farmer, Percy Schmeiser, of illegally saving and replanting the company’s high-tech, genetically engineered seeds instead of […]

  • 2 x CO2 = 3.5 Feet

    Climate change may boost ocean levels by about 3.5 feet by 2550, according to Jerry Mahlman of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Mahlman’s computer model assumes that by 2050, carbon dioxide concentrations will be double what they were in the 1700s and then stabilize at that level because of conservation measures. Mahlman stresses that […]

  • Don't Worry, the Frogs Are Just Bored

    An outbreak in recent years of deformities in frog legs may be caused by a simple parasite found in nature rather than by chemical pollution, according to two new studies published today in the journal Science. The new research, conducted on Pacific tree frogs in California, suggests that limb deformities are caused by a tiny […]

  • New Nukes Nuked

    China has squelched plans to begin any new nuclear power projects in the next three years because the Asian economic crisis has cut into electricity demand, a Chinese nuclear industry official said yesterday. But the halt is expected to be temporary. “This does not mean bleak prospects for nuclear power development in China,” the official […]