Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is scheduled to accept the GOP vice presidential nomination tonight in St. Paul, Minn.

Grist readers know that the governor sports a colorful record on environmental issues. So, for all you greens who plan to watch the big speech tonight, here’s a way to keep score (and numb the pain):

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Listen closely to Gov. Palin’s speech. If she mentions any of the following, drink the corresponding number of gulps of your favorite beverage.

1 Gulp:

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  • There are more polar bears now than 50 years ago.
  • Drilling in ANWR (add another gulp for mention of an immediate effect on gas prices)
  • Offshore drilling (add another gulp for mention of an immediate effect on gas prices)
  • Hunting
  • Alaska oil pipeline increased caribou herds
  • Moose stew

2 Gulps:

  • Bridge to nowhere
  • Windfall profits tax on oil industry
  • Standing up to “Big Oil”


  • Mention of “God” and “oil” in same sentence.
  • Expressing doubt about human contributions to global warming.

Other suggestions for the game? Chime in below.