David is inside the conventional hall tonight (we’re sharing one credential, and it’s his turn), so I’m watching from a nearby restaurant. The scene outside is pretty surreal. MSNBC has a big stage set up in a park right in front of the hall, where they’re broadcasting live. Earlier today I was milling in the crowd, where I encountered the following:

  • A gaggle of “9-11 Truthers”
  • Some folks handing out “Jesus saves” literature
  • Some other people in shirts that read “Water of Life,” which I thought might be a group that works on water issues. Turns out they were also handing out Christian literature.
  • Some PETA people dressed in pig costumes bearing “Cut the Pork: Tax Meat!” signs
  • Scores of Ron Paul fans
  • Two young women selling these creepy flip-flops that feature tiny Obama and McCain heads
  • Minnesota Sen. Norm Coleman
  • One former Hillary Clinton voter turned McCain supporter
  • Two women from the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity handing out boxes of “clean coal” mints.

Strange times indeed here in St. Paul.

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Speaking of strange, here’s an excerpt from Mitt Romney’s speech tonight: “We need change all right — change from a liberal Washington to a conservative Washington! We have a prescription for every American who wants change in Washington — throw out the big government liberals and elect John McCain.”

Last time I checked, George Bush was still in charge. But maybe I missed something?