Dear Umbra,

I have a wonderful daughter who is just about to turn 5. She is currently the only grandchild and niece to our families, and therefore has everything she needs (still less than many kids we know, but plenty). Therein lies my dilemma: I don’t want the plastic detritus and clutter that come along with your traditional American birthday party, but the party itself I love.

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In years past, I have ducked this issue by suggesting parents adopt wildlife from Defenders of Wildlife (we did a fairy-tale party one year, and they adopted “Big, Bad” wolves, for instance). This year, she knows about presents and she wants them. I am not categorically opposed to presents, I just want some sanity and some limits. Maybe, if I had the guts, I would just say “no presents” again and skip the whole mess. What can I do?

Denise Wood
Phoenix, Ariz.

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Dearest Denise,

I misread the subject of your email and thought it said “birthday overlord” instead of “birthday overload.” I loved that idea, and I suppose parents are the Birthday Overlords, at least until the kids get old enough to organize their own birthdays and disinvite the parents.

Don’t blow it all on plastic junk.

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Photo: iStockphoto

Your reign as Birthday Overlord to date sounds highly creative, really impressive. Can I follow your lead? Probably not, except to point out that you’ve set up an ideal situation for yourself. Some of the kids coming to the party will be the same kids as previous years, and their parents are used to your no-present themes. Everyone is all warmed up for whatever this year’s party holds. They may be shocked when you give gift suggestions.

And that’s what I think Birthday Overlord should do. Just figure out what you want her to have, and tell people. Presents are not the problem. They just can’t be the problem, because they are inevitable. Stopping her from having presents will eventually seem mean — and worse, weird. (I would put weird in quotes, except I don’t like quotes.) I utterly support what you’re doing, it’s just that you’ve got a daughter — you can’t appear too weird after she’s a certain age, because it puts her in a bad position. You ladies know what I’m saying.

So, since presents can no longer be allowed to be a problem, and this is the year that you are ready to capitulate to social norms, let’s reconfigure the problem as waste. Birthday Overlord must issue edicts streamlining gift choices, with the aim of receiving only wanted presents. I imagine you have a few ideas about toys or activities you think she’s ready to enjoy. She probably has suggestions. Pick one or two of these that have multiple components: a dollhouse, a play farm, even bicycling, or … help. I’m a little in the dark here with 5-year-old girls. All my current 5-year-olds are boys. Apologies if my suggestions are off; my point is that components can be the gifts.

This half-baked idea might work with a theme party, right? Let’s use pirates as an example. She loves pirates. Announce a pirate theme party. You will ask the grandparents to give the expensive Playmobil pirate ship ($90), you will suggest that others purchase any of the pirate miscellany that comes with the ship, ranging in price from $3 (Red Coat Leader) to $30 (Pirate Skull Ship). If you don’t want her to have little plastic toys, maybe people could give costume items. Or you could pick a theme that had to do with her beloved pet, and receive collars, brushes, fish paraphernalia, whatever. You’re already a Birthday Theme Party Overlord, so it’ll be a blast of a party and she’ll get presents she’ll use and love and pass on to future children — presents vetted by your ecological guidelines.

An additional benefit to this approach may be solving the party-favor problem. The de rigueur favor bags when I was a kid were plastic bags filled with plastic rings and other soon-discarded items, and I assume not much has changed — holy cow! proves me right! Zounds. The gift theme provides cover for a low-waste party favor bag. I’m sure you’ve already figured all this out, Genius Birthday Overlord, but I’ll just follow my train of thought here to the end. Pirates, for example, live rough and tumble lives, and all they care about is gold, so you just sew up a few cloth bags and stuff them with chocolate money. That would be an extreme improvement over the Cinderella Stardust Party Favor Bag and its ilk.

You already have been so creative with birthday waste avoidance that I’m not sure I was able to follow in your footsteps. I hope I was vaguely helpful, if only in giving the go-ahead for birthday presents within the eco-life. If you get a chance, let me know what you decide to do.

