solarOther than energy efficiency (see here), I don’t believe any set of technologies will be more important to the climate fight than concentrated solar power (CSP).

I have a long article on CSP in Salon: “The technology that will save humanity: The solar energy you haven’t heard of is the one best suited to generate clean electricity for generations to come.”

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OK, maybe “will” should be “may help” (I’m an optimist, sue me!) and readers have heard about CSP for a while. But I do think CSP deserves much more attention:

It is the best source of clean energy to replace coal and sustain economic development. I bet that it will deliver more power every year this century than coal with carbon capture and storage — for much less money and with far less environmental damage …

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How much less? Many industry experts told me CSP will likely deliver power for well under $0.10 per kilowatt hour fully installed in the next decade.

What is its market potential? I think it could be more than two wedges, which is several thouand gigawatts:

It would be straightforward to build CSP systems at whatever rate industry and governments needed, ultimately 50 to 100 gigawatts a year growth or more.

Why is CSP so important?

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Because it’s the only form of clean electricity that can meet all the demanding requirements of this century …

The Salon article goes through those requirements and explains why. The article also goes through some of the fascinating three-millenium history behind “One of oldest forms of energy used by humans — sunlight concentrated by mirrors.”

One final point — based on the early comments on the Salon piece, I realize that many people think that a flaw in CSP is that it would require long-distance transmission lines that would lose massive amounts of power. Well, my (terrific) editor cut out a key clause that I probably should’ve put back:

“We will need more transmission in this country,” [especially low-loss long-distance high-voltage DC lines].

I’ll have to do a HVDC lines piece soon, but you can read more than what want to know about HVDC here at Wikipedia, which notes:

Depending on voltage level and construction details, losses are quoted as about 3 percent per 1000 km [600 miles].

CSP is a technology that all progressives should become knowledgeable about.

This post was created for, a project of the Center for American Progress Action Fund.