GristEditor: So what’s the deal with climate kudos/finger this week? Got any ideas?
Reporter@Grist: Stop bugging me. Watching cat videos.
GristEditor: seriously, we gotta publish this on fri. need your ideas.
Reporter@Grist: argh. … ok. hold on.
GristEditor: I was thinking Hillary Clinton for planning to jump on the climate/China issue
Reporter@Grist: Boooooooring
Reporter@Grist: Barbara Boxer should definitely get finger for that screwed up roads package she’s cosponsoring with Inhofe.
GristEditor: That’s so inside baseball. Plus, Boxer outlined her climate principles this week — deserves a kudo for that.
Reporter@Grist: Not really. Boxer’s “principles” very vague.
Reporter@Grist: how ’bout the Senate for passing that dumbass amendment to give money to people to buy cars?
GristEditor: But that might be good if $ spent to buy hybrids or electric vehics.
Reporter@Grist: Sigh. Hey, you want to avoid inside baseball? How about Molson? Bad beer, good climate record.
GristEditor: Salazar for reversing the Utah oil leases?
GristEditor: Lugar for writing an op-ed arguing for increasing the gas tax?
GristEditor: Finger to the Czech PM for perpetuating skeptic line?
Reporter@Grist: Yeah, maybe.
GristEditor: geez. maybe we just blow it off this week …
Reporter@Grist: :-)
GristEditor: not funny.