Seeing as how my last Under the Covers column was a summer reading list, and now it’s an entirely different season, I think it’s time I return with more eco-reading selections for what must be my terribly book-hungry audience.

First up, a delightful-looking book put together by the Fundação O Boticário, a conservation organization in Brazil. The book itself is titled Brazil naturally: A 15 year mosaic of conservation histories, but I can’t seem to find it on Powells or Amazon. It may be available on the organization’s website, but (during my brief search involving a few clicks here and there, all willy-nilly-like) I couldn’t find it, what with most of the site being in Brazilian Portuguese. But say you were able to get your hands on a copy, it could be a great coffee-table book. It’s full of colorful pictures of wildlife including jaguars, birds, whales, and alligators. And it’s all printed on recycled paper!

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If you’re into books about wildlife conservation but prefer a higher word-to-picture ratio, you might like another book I’ve received in recent weeks: a biography of Jane Goodall by Dale Peterson, subtitled The Woman Who Redefined Man. The book’s chapters are dated, and begin about a few years before her birth (1934) and continue through 2004. Though I haven’t read it (see: high word-to-picture ratio), I’ve come to the conclusion that its 700-some pages (including footnotes and works cited) are full of drama about illicit affairs and foreign ailments. I arrived at that conclusion after flipping through the book and hitting pages 334 and 335 (of the advance reading copy), wherein a passage from a letter refers to cheating husbands and another passage starts, “Things got worse. Both Vanne and Jane came down with malaria …” I’ll leave you with that cliffhanger.

And finally, I must tell you about The Complete Organic Pregnancy because it has been sitting on my desk for months, and for the last time — let me be absolutely clear about this — I am not pregnant. So, dear coworkers, you can stop asking! The book covers topics ranging from food and home/work environment to beauty and wellness. So for those of you who are expecting, it might be worth a look.