Sea Studios Foundation has a new 12 minute video entitled Ahead of the Curve: Business Responds to Climate Change. It features some of the biggies (DuPont, Wal-Mart, PG&E) and the hot green business broker, Bill Reilly, who facilitated the TXU energy deal. It also has John Holdren, the Harvard climate change prof who is pushing AAAS in more aggressive directions on climate as board chair. It is a format that works well done by real professionals (Sea Studios does Strange Days on Planet Earth, the excellent series narrated by actor Ed Norton).

Some readers of Gristmill will find it too business friendly. My question is, when do we reach a tipping point in the private sector when real progress on climate is made? And where the private action forces the public sector’s hand.

I’m writing from Melbourne, where similar momentum from impatient states and the private sector are challenging a Howard government to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. It is as if I haven’t left Washington.