I suppose no one should be shocked that Fox had a five-against-one (Greenpeace’s John Passacantando) panel to savage Hillary Clinton’s terrific climate and energy plan. The video is worth watching to see just how much some conservatives hate the strategies that are crucial to avoiding catastrophic global warming:

I was surprised to see that Wayne Rogers of M*A*S*H fame has morphed into another Fox wacko. He labels Hillary’s plan “idiotic,” calls her a “crazy person” and mocks her — I kid you not — for putting forward “an aggressive, comprehensive energy efficiency agenda … by changing the way utilities do business.”

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Of course, anyone who quits M*A*S*H after only three seasons shouldn’t call anyone else crazy! Equally bizarre, Rogers gave Bush $3000 in 1999, but gave Kerry $1000 in 2004 (and Orrin Hatch $2000 last year). Hey, Wayne, pick a party and stick with it already!

Yes, you can find out the complete campaign contribution history of all your favorite stars at this website (where you learn truly pointless things, such as Cher likes Joe Biden to the tune of $4200).

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Well, at least Alan Alda remains as thoughtful as ever.

Hat tip to Lots O’ Thoughts for finding this video.

This post was created for ClimateProgress.org, a project of the Center for American Progress Action Fund.

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