Articles by Amelia Urry
Amelia Urry is Grist's associate editor of science and technology, and self-appointed poet-in-residence. Follow her on Twitter.
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Why ants are NYC’s unsung heroes
A recent survey of the ants of New York turned up a surprising number of different species!
Whales start pulling their own weight, save us for a change
Tar-sands pipeline construction in Canada was halted over concerns about the habitat of endangered beluga whales.
Hear that? That’s the sound of the ocean dying
A quarter of the fish we eat rely on healthy coral reefs -- so it's bad news for us when reefs the world over start to go quiet.
Seas are rising in weird, new ways
New research shows that seas are rising faster in the Southern Hemisphere, thanks to climate change. (Sucks for you once again, Global South!)