Articles by Amelia Urry
Amelia Urry is Grist's associate editor of science and technology, and self-appointed poet-in-residence. Follow her on Twitter.
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Why the locavore movement’s next big step is seafood
With his new book, "American Catch," writer Paul Greenberg calls for a local revolution that will move from the land to embrace the local oceans as well.
This fishy World Cup bracket ranks countries by their ocean goals
The World Cup countries go head-to-head on their ocean health scores -- except for reigning climate champion Switzerland, who disqualified themselves by not having a coastline.
This is what your dairy aisle would look like if all the bees died off
Without pollinators, your greek yogurt, butter, cream cheese, organic milk, and -- gasp -- ice cream, are all in peril.
Obama to create largest marine protected area ever, because bigger is better
The U.S. is proposing to double the area of protected ocean with the expansion of the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument.