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Articles by Ashley Braun

Ashley Braun is Grist's News Producer and (unofficially) its Official Puntificator. She's also a science nerd, a lazy runner, an organic container gardener, and an accidental "expert" on topics like cross-country relationships and social media.

All Articles

  • Department of Energy turns out to be the Energy Hog

    “What changes are you willing to make to save energy at work?” asks a blog post from the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Energy Savers blog. Energy Hog Hiding Place #1: The Department of Energyenergyhog.orgFor starters, how about swapping out old fluorescent and incandescent lighting, as its own website suggests? Wait a minute, file that under […]

  • Not even the Beatles can stop the oil spill [VIDEO]

    When leaking crude threatens cartoon characters in a pineapple under the sea (under the sea!), the Beatles give it a go in this animated short. “We’ve been trying to stop the oil with our music,” they say. “It’s not working.” ——————————————————————————————————————————————– Like what you see? Sign up to receive The Grist List, our email roundup […]

  • WTFood: McNuggets have a little too much in common with Silly Putty

    Photo: fuxoft via FlickrDrooling over those food-like substances!Moms across the nation can breathe a collective sigh of relief every time their toddlers pop Silly Putty in their mouths with the news that that childhood mainstay is not completely unlike another one: McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets. As it turns out, these two amorphous items share the yummy-sounding […]

  • BP offshore oil board game: Seemed like a fun idea at the time?

    Back in the ’70s, BP decided to market a family board game by the name of “Offshore Oil Strike,” boasting the “thrills of drilling” as well as the “hazards and rewards.” I mean, Monopoly worked out pretty well for the Wall Street tycoons even in the midst of the Great Depression, right? On the other […]