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Articles by Ashley Braun

Ashley Braun is Grist's News Producer and (unofficially) its Official Puntificator. She's also a science nerd, a lazy runner, an organic container gardener, and an accidental "expert" on topics like cross-country relationships and social media.

All Articles

  • BP relief ship struck by lightning, bum luck

    Photo: MReece via FlickrNot even the Big Guy can saviour BP’s luck.There have been many, many striking things about the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico: the carelessness of BP CEO Tony Hayward’s comments, the ridiculousness of BP’s spill-response plan, the scope and scale of the spill itself, the list of failed attempts to […]

  • 2010’s most annoying fad: the ‘vintage’ incandescent bulb

    Some ideas are broken from the start.Photo: laszlo-photo via Flickr Apparently, the latest retro-hot-design fad revolves around inefficiency so glaring it’s blinding: a return to “vintage” light bulbs, which are energy-sucking exposed-filament copies of Edison’s original illuminating invention. Restaurant designers all over the world seem to be snatching up these antique-style bulbs that cost anywhere […]

  • World Cup: Should U.S. team wear “BP sucks” shirts vs. England?

    Original photo: g55 via Flickr, Lame Photoshopping: the author Since the U.S. and Britain are totally BFF’s and the British Petroleum oil spill is definitely not a sore point between the two nations, we’re happy to see these tender feelings of friendship manifested in the international sports arena as the U.S. gears up to take […]

  • Obama to assemble expert panel on ass-kicking: A rap video

    You might have already heard that President Obama wants to find some BP “ass to kick” for the all the lameness in the Gulf right now. But you haven’t heard it quite like this: With bonus ass-kicking expert panel, featuring Chuck Norris, Jack Bauer, and the Lolly Pop Kids! ——————————————————————————————————————————————– Like what you see? Sign […]