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Articles by Bill Scher

Bill Scher is online campaign manager at Campaign for America's Future, host of the LiberalOasis Radio Show podcast and executive editor of He is the author of Wait! Don't Move To Canada!: A Stay-and-Fight Strategy to Win Back America, and a regular contributor to and The Huffington Post.

All Articles

  • Obama's Oil Plan: Something For Nothing? Or Nothing For Something?

    Forgive me if my Outrage-O-Meter registers low today despite the President’s coastal drilling announcement. Candidate Obama announced his willingness to compromise on coastal drilling quite dramatically during the campaign. And the Senate climate bill talks have been premised on expanded coastal drilling ever since last year’s New York Times op-ed from Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.) […]

  • Memo to Politico: Climategate is a flop

    Today’s Politico headline from Copenhagen is: “Climategate distracts at Copenhagen.” This seems based on a very low bar for what constitutes a distraction. Is the international summit torn now between resolutions saying global warming is a moral imperative or a dastardly hoax perpetrated by the sinister scientist conspiracy? Hardly. Is there one country that previously […]

  • Obama headed to Copenhagen, sets the bar for success

    President Obama announced today that he will attend the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, raising the stakes for himself and all participating nations. The initial goal for Copenhagen was to forge a binding treaty. But that ambitious goal has been scaled back. With American climate protection legislation bogged down in the Senate after […]

  • Sen. Lindsey Graham crosses the climate rubicon

    Last week, I struck a hopeful note after GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham expressed interest in a climate bill compromise that included a carbon cap in exchange for support for some nuclear power and coastal drilling. But my expectations it would really happen remained low. Today, Graham made a deal all but inevitable. Final compromise language […]