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Articles by Chris Schults

Web Developer for PCC Natural Markets

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  • Local and federal leaders step it up

    Stepping it Up in Seattle

    As reported by (video), more than 1,000 people took part in Step It Up Seattle, which began at Occidental Park in downtown Seattle and ended in Myrtle Edwards Park where a rally and solutions fair commenced. Many Grist staff members were present, and took pictures and chatted with local Grist readers. My job was to record brief audio interviews with some of the participants. Early in the week, we plan to share these photos and recordings with you.

    For now, here is just a taste of the day's events, the unedited audio recordings (Windows Media) of the rally's speakers:

    Jay Inslee, Greg Nickels, Ron SimsKC Golden, Policy Director for Climate Solutions -- Listen (7:22)

    Jiji Jally, Marshall Islands representative -- Listen (4:36)

    Jay Inslee, U.S. Congressman; Greg Nickels, Mayor of Seattle; Ron Sims, King County Executive -- Listen (26:00)

    Dave Freiboth, MLK Jr. County Labor Council; Emily Duncanson, Western Washington University student and founder of Kyoto in the classroom; Rev. Lisa Domke -- Listen (13:22)

    More to come.

    Update [2007-4-16 17:13:1 by Chris Schults]: Check out today's podcast to hear from some of the Seattle marchers.

    Update [2007-4-20 12:44:12 by Chris Schults]: Check out Grist's audio slideshow.

  • In Second Life

    How did Grist miss this one last week, as reported by National Geographic News?

    Tokyo, Amsterdam, and the entire Mediterranean island of Ibiza were inundated with floodwaters today due to rising sea levels brought on by global warming.


  • Wired reports on undersea mining plans

    Speaking of mining and threats to marine life, Wired is reporting that there is the potential for a huge undersea gold rush and very few environmental groups seem concerned:

  • And I’m not talking about the Green Lantern or Green Arrow

    By all rights, being the science-fiction-loving computer geek that I am, I should be a comics fan. But I'm not, and need not be to know that Captain America is ... [spoiler alert!] ... dead.

    As The New York Times reports:

    Captain America, a Marvel Entertainment superhero, is fatally shot by a sniper in the 25th issue of his eponymous comic, which arrived in stores yesterday. The assassination ends the sentinel of liberty's fight for right, which began in 1941.

    And that fight for liberty was most recently told in Civil War, which my friend Matt (an actual comics fan) writes about on his blog: