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Articles by Chris Schults

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  • Vote for grassroots efforts around the globe

    This morning we received an email from the Nguna-Pele Marine Protected Area in Vanuatu. Apparently, Vanuatu is a tiny Pacific island that runs on batteries (all praise the Energizer Bunny!). The problem is that many people dump their used batteries into the ocean, which among other things damages coral reefs. This is where the Nguna-Pele Marine Protected Area comes in, by encouraging villagers to use rechargeable batteries.

    And their campaign has made them a finalist in the The World Challenge, which is brought to you by BBC World & Newsweek, in association with Shell. From The World Challenge website:

    It is a competition aimed at finding individuals or groups from around the world who have shown enterprise and innovation at a grass roots level. This competition is all about finding entrepreneurs whose projects are making a difference to communities.

    Voting is open until October 16th, and the Nguna-Pele Marine Protected Area obviously wants you to vote for them. But, before you do, you may want to review the other efforts taking place around the world, which include:

  • Act now!

    stockholm prize winnersSpeaking of irrigation, the folks at the International Center for Environmental Arts emailed Grist about the South African students who won the 2005 Stockholm Junior Water Prize.

    From the press release:

  • Scientific American’s special issue on the environment

    Sci Am coverNow available on newsstands (and the Internets) is Scientific American's special issue titled "Crossroads for Planet Earth." In it you'll find: George Musser setting the stage, Joel E. Cohen on population, Jeffrey D. Sachs on extreme poverty, Stuart L. Pimm and Clinton Jenkins on endangered species, Amory B. Lovins on energy, Paul Polak on agriculture, Barry R. Bloom on public health, Herman E. Daly on economic growth and sustainability, and W. Wayt Gibbs on setting priorities.

    Here's an excerpt from Musser's intro:

    The 21st century feels like a letdown. We were promised flying cars, space colonies and 15-hour workweeks. Robots were supposed to do our chores, except when they were organizing rebellions; children were supposed to learn about disease from history books; portable fusion reactors were supposed to be on sale at the Home Depot. Even dystopian visions of the future predicted leaps of technology and social organization that leave our era in the dust.

    Looking beyond the blinking lights and whirring gizmos, though, the new century is shaping up as one of the most amazing periods in human history. Three great transitions set in motion by the Industrial Revolution are reaching their culmination. After several centuries of faster-than-exponential growth, the world's population is stabilizing. Judging from current trends, it will plateau at around nine billion people toward the middle of this century. Meanwhile extreme poverty is receding both as a percentage of population and in absolute numbers. If China and India continue to follow in the economic footsteps of Japan and South Korea, by 2050 the average Chinese will be as rich as the average Swiss is today; the average Indian, as rich as today's Israeli. As humanity grows in size and wealth, however, it increasingly presses against the limits of the planet. Already we pump out carbon dioxide three times as fast as the oceans and land can absorb it; midcentury is when climatologists think global warming will really begin to bite. At the rate things are going, the world's forests and fisheries will be exhausted even sooner.

    I personally enjoyed the Paul Polak piece titled "The Big Potential of Small Farms" which introduced me to the treadle pump and gave some great examples of how drip irrigation systems that use cheap rubber hoses can make a huge difference for poor families.

    [editor's note, by Chris Schults] When I wrote "Internets" I really meant the Scientific American website, where only some of the content is freely available.

  • Houseboats: good or bad?

    Anyone who has seen Sleepless in Seattle knows that we here in the Emerald City have our fair share of houseboats. But I've often wondered how they compare to your good ol' fashion house with regards to their impact on the environment.

    Apparently, the fine folks over at Treehugger think that they're a good thing (re: The Houseboat Book):

    Houseboats -- they inspire the imagination and, if you're fortunate enough, they can be an inexpensive, and environmentally-sound house to own.

    Environmentally-sound? You Gristmillians have any thoughts on the matter?