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Articles by Coby Beck

Former musician, turned tree planter, turned software engineer. Same old story... I have been blogging about climate change since 2006 at A Few Things Ill Considered.

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  • ‘There is no evidence’ — Yes, there is

    (Part of the How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic guide)

    Objection: Despite what the computer models tell us, there is actually no evidence of significant global warming.

    Answer: Global warming is not an output of computer models; it is a conclusion based on observations of a great many global indicators. By far the most straightforward evidence is the actual surface temperature record. While there are places -- in England, for example -- that have records going back several centuries, the two major global temperature analyses can only go back around 150 years due to their requirements for both quantity and distribution of temperature recording stations.

    These are the two most reputable globally and seasonally averaged temperature trend analyses:

  • A brief post-preamble

    As David said, I am going to be reposting, article by article, my How To Talk to a Climate Skeptic guide here at Grist. Before beginning, I would like to make a correction, present a plan, offer an explanation, and make a request.