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Articles by Eric Burkett

Eric is a food writer, freelance journalist, and professional cook in San Francisco. He has worked for newspapers in California and Alaska, where he covered Sarah Palin's city hall back when she was still mayor of Wasilla and no one had any clue what lay in store years ahead. He blogs for and is a regular contributor to He writes about cooking on his own blog at, and hates the texture of mushrooms. Really.

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  • Food giants pile on salt to tart up flavorless dreck

    Piled on my desk on either side of my computer are several packages of convenience foods and one chocolate bar. The foods range from instant macaroni and cheese and cornbread mixes to canned soup, canned tuna, canned beans, and a Styrofoam container of instant, microwaveable macaroni and cheese. Of the eight items, only two – […]