Articles by Glenn Hurowitz
Glenn Hurowitz is a senior fellow at the Center for International Policy.
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White House approves solar for roof and California desert
Facing criticism over its environmental record, the Obama administration announced it will reinstall solar panels on the White House -- and approved California solar projects.
Is environmentalism progressive?
Rather than building up a progressive movement and progressive America, President Barack Obama has demoralized his friends and emboldened his enemies.
Obama: We may need to solve climate change in 'chunks'
Obama told Rolling Stone we may have to solve climate change in chunks. Done with resolve, this has the potential to surpass a comprehensive climate bill
Environmentalists need a new president
I initially thought Bill McKibben's drive to return solar panels to the White House was essentially a waste of time: of all the things to ask the president, it seemed like the smallest, most insignificant, and easiest. I realize now that its very simplicity made the solar panels a masterstroke that clearly exposed, more than any big policy ask ever would, Obama's unwillingness or inability to confront our great planetary crisis.