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Articles by Jack Huber

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Changing the world sounds like a tall order — something better left to Superman, the president, or at least a very, very competent plumber.

Not anymore. Today, the commitment to energy awareness is changing the world and local communities in very real ways — and you get to be part of it. Best of all, you don’t have to jump over buildings or have x-ray vision. To begin, all you have to do is shave a few dollars off your electric bill by using energy wisely.

This past fall, private and public organizations around the country came together as part of ENERGY STAR’s Change the World tour to make a difference through community service projects focused on energy efficiency. These projects save money and energy, cut greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change, and improve quality of life — for families, children, and our veterans. ENERGY STAR calls it the Power of Positive Energy and hopes it will inspire others to think about what they can do to make a difference in their own lives and the environment, through energy efficiency. Check out a video on the Tour above.

This enormous initiative works b... Read more